Freedom Seekers; Midnight Recue: written by Lois Walfrid Johnson
youth/ juvenile fiction/ ages 10 and up
As Jordan made his way for freedom, he thought he would never feel free. So the decision was made to rescue his family from slavery. Once one problem is solved, there is also more problem to come aboard on Christina. Finding out that an escaped fugitive might be on board, Caleb, Libby, and Jordan need to be more cautious.
For Libby's big mouth the mission may have been compromised. Not only putting the risk for Jordan's safety but also jeopardized the quest to rescue his family. Trying everything she could to prove that she could be trusted. What could she do to prove to Caleb? Would he trust her again help out with the Underground Railroad?
About the author. Lois Walfrid Johnson wrote several children's series books. Escape into the night is part of The Riverboat Adventures series which is also known as Freedom Seekers. She also wrote Adventures of the Northwoods series, Vikings Quest series, and several other books. She is a former public school teacher and lives in Minnesota. Want to learn more about her and check out her books please visit
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