Freedom Seekers; The fiddler's Secret: written by Lois Walfrid Johnson


                                                           youth/ juvenile fiction/ ages 10 and up

Libby felt the boat is way to quit as she has been woken up straggly in the middle of the night. Being caught up in the fog made everyone nervous. To top that off, they have a mysterious fiddler on board. He was an incredible fiddler, but his fiddle went missing in the midst of all the chaos. The fiddle is his most precious position, and he must have it back. Would the fiddler get his violin back?

As for Libby being a matchmaker for her dad and Miss Annika. Would her wish come true to have a mother again? Peter being another cabin boy on the steamboat. Would he ever find a forever home and be a part of another family? Would Jordan and his family find peace and freedom together? 

About the author. Lois Walfrid Johnson wrote several children's series books. Escape into the night is part of The Riverboat Adventures series, also known as Freedom Seekers. She also wrote Adventures of the Northwoods series, Vikings Quest series, and several other books. She is a former public school teacher and lives in Minnesota. Want to learn more about her and check out her books, please visit


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