Orlo; The Chosen: written by Lauren H. Brandenburg

                                                     Ages 8 and up. Juvenile fiction.

Orlo is now living in the world, not knowing who to trust. His world is divided and being run by Elder Bedneraine's legion of enforcers. Conclusus is cold, and people are sick. Orlo has been chosen to fix the Conclusus.

Orlo has to go into the darkest mines where the wolves are lurking. Ones again, he will have to operate a cartagon. He will have a shadow that will follow him and protect him. Also, in the end, he will have to make a difficult choice. How will he find the truth that was hidden and forgotten? How will he fix and restore Consulusus?

About the author Lauren H. Brandenburg. She is a former English teacher and now a homeschool mom. She lives in Tennessee, along with her family. She had written several novels and fiction stories for young and older readers. For more info about her and about her books. Please check out her website https://laurenhbrandenburg.com


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