Hommer Price: written by Robert McCloskey

                                                            For any age and anyone.

Homer Price is an interesting individual that lived a couple of miles away from a town called Centerburg. In his free time, he loved building radios as a hobby. He also has a pet named Aroma which is a skunk. Homer is the type of boy that likes to find solutions to the problems.

In one of his adventures in the book was about the donuts. When Homer got left alone to watch the shop for a bit that his Uncle ran. The first problem was he didn't how to make a batter for the donut machine. Second, he didn't know how to turn the donut machine off after a customer made a batter with him. Thirdly he didn't know what to do with the hundreds of donuts in the store. Top it off with all of that. The customer that helped him make the batter has lost her diamond bracelet. How is he going to stop the machine? Where are all the donuts going to go and who is going to find the diamond bracelet? Find all the answers in the book and read about other adventures that he stumbled on to.

About the author. Robert McCloskey was born in Hamilton, Ohio in 1914. His first published book was in 1940 called Lentil. He won Caldecott Medal in 1942 for the book he wrote called Make Way for Ducklings. He served in the Army between 1943 and 1945 as a technical Sergent in Fort McClellan, Alabama. He died in Maine in 2003 at the age of 89. If you would like to learn more about the author and his book please visit https://hamiltonheritagehall.org/biography-of-robert-mccloskey/


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